
Deep Web Secrecy and Security

Deep Web Secrecy and Security:
Book Review 
by Sue Basko, Kenneth Lipp, and Anonymous

Deep Web Secrecy and Security is an interactive internet-based book that is a guide to keeping private and secure on the internet, as well as a guide to exploring the hidden realms of the deeper internet.  It is a 46-page guide with many links to the services or sites being described.  The guide is written by Conrad Jaeger, the pen name for the writer of the Techtivist, a column on  The guide is sold in pdf and ebook versions online for under $10.  It is available from Deep Web GuidesAmazonBarnes and Noble.

I come as a novice to the topic of web security and the deep web.  The guide says the deep web is used mainly for three purposes – porn, crime, and spying.  I have no interest in partaking in any of those.  However, web security is of interest to me.  

I tend to be very open on the internet, because I think it is important that there be some “real” people with stated ideas and values letting themselves be known on the internet.  Things such as Twitter and comment boards have been overtaken by anonymous or sock puppet users behaving in abusive, counterproductive ways.  I think there should be some real people operating under their real names and standing up for what they believe to be right and good.  However, this leaves me, and others like me, open to extreme abuse by hordes of sock puppets, cointelpro agents, internet troll gangs, and mentally ill stalker/ defamers.   

Therefore, I came to this book with the point of view that I wish to use my real identity and be known, but wish to protect myself.  From this perspective, I immediately loved the book and put the helpful ideas into practice as I read the book.  I started off with checking my cookies.  I often reset my browser, which removes all cookies.   I checked to see which sites had deposited cookies and was shocked to see that sites I considered of little importance, that I had only briefly visited, had deposited the most cookies. 

The book also has information on VPNs and many other topics of interest to me.  But, is this advice solid? This is where I need to turn to people far more knowledgeable than I am on this topic.  The very first person I turned to for expert advice was a young woman who is known as an internet security advocate and organizer.  She refused to review the book.  I say this because I think women should be treated as tech experts, and I welcome any to please email me and write a review.

    I then turned to two men whom I consider to be masters on this topic and whose opinions I consider trustworthy:  Kenneth Lipp, active in the Philadelphia Cryptoparty and one of the original OWS members;  and Anonymous, an international Anon.  

from Kenneth Lipp:  Although not qualified to assess all of the technical aspects of this book, in my experience the practical instructions on using Tor/security technology are sound and accessible. However, language in the introduction regarding making one "impossible to find" or monitor seems misleading. There is no 100% secure method of obscuring one's identity and/or location, and I believe it is important for this fact to be a solid part of anyone's information awareness when working online.

One point about the title and terminology: while those operating in 'tunnels' or VPNs would be a part of the "Deep Web" by its broadest definition, the term is most commonly used to refer to that part of the internet which is not crawled and archived by Google (more generally, the major metasearch engines), to include many private networks, repositories, and academic databases. In this milieu there are methods and tools for search and discovery (see: There are even proprietary search engines for the "deep web," such as Infomine and ipl2.

from Anonymous:  For a book of few pages, it certainly covers a lot of information.

This book is concisely written, accurate, and very accessible. It's an easy read for the computer novice, average user, as well as the tech-nerds.

It covers a broad swathe of, not only pro-sec tips, but it also touches on the roots of the good side of the internet and the deep underbelly of the bad.

It provides great advice on how to sail safely on the internet, as well as providing background and reasons as to why one should ALWAYS be proactive about ensuring your computer is secure.

Studies show that, in America, people have a VERY high confidence level in their internet security, yet these same studies also prove that the security levels are extremely weak. Conversely, these same studies show that in some countries, which shall remain nameless (do the research yourself if you're interested ;-P), have very low confidence levels in their security but are some of the most secure in the world.

This book doesn't recommend that one go out and buy Anti-Virus software, nor do I. That's one of the things I like most about this book. It actually informs one how the 'net operates and what one can and should do to remain safe.

As a seasoned veteran of these things, I am very familiar with these aspects of the net but I still enjoyed the read.

It's clearly written by one who is both knowledgeable about the workings of the internet and altruistic at the same time. I admire the effort, sincerity and pricing of this book. I mean, think about it, how often does one come across such an educational and beneficial book at such a price.

Not to sound like a shill. I don't know the author or those affiliated. I write this review as a disconnected, non-partisan, Anon. So, please take the next paragraph to heart.

I'm writing this as one who got the book for free to review. As someone who does nothing "illegal," so to speak, but often battles pedophilia on the net, tries to facilitate safe communications to the citizens of countries who are being oppressed, and defends the human rights and safety of others, I would recommend this book to all.

Many, true and old-school Anonymous and netizens, will be familiar with a lot that this book covers. BUT, I assure you, it is still very informational and educational. It will prove especially useful to those who are not familiar with the pro-sec aspects of the net. To those who are not knowledgeable about staying safe, this is a MUST-READ. To those who are, I would say it is a nice refresher and will probably remind you of a few things you may have forgotten to do.

Whether you use a Macintosh or PC, this is a must-read.

Merely one Anonymous of a Legion

P.S. I write this not as a representative of Anonymous, as we are leaderless. Despite what your Governments and/or Mainstream-media may tell you, we do fight for you. Stay educated and safe."