
Terry "Trademark" Martin and 40 Hz Productions: Beats, Samples, and Recording

Terry "Trademark" Martin and 40 Hz Productions:
Beats, Samples, and Recording
by Sue Basko, esq.

Terry "Trademark" Martin runs 40 Hz Productions as a joint effort with Max-a-Million and Morris Mills. 40 Hz Productions is a boutique or mini-recording studio, tucked into a room in the much larger Paragon Studios in Chicago's Fulton Market District, just northwest of the downtown Loop area. The trio are known for making dance pop or rap dance music, creating beats and samples, and for loving pancakes -- but that is a slightly different topic.

If you want to create music and you're not quite fully formed on your songs, Terry can help pull it together by creating beats, coaching vocals, and polishing a recording with instrumentals.

Terry has been so kind to answer my probing questions:

What's the name of your production and recording company and who is involved?
40 Hz Productions is myself, Max-A-Million, and Morris Mills.

Your studio is small but sweet. What do you have in there?

I have an Apple iMac running Pro-Tools 9 with all kinds of industry standard plug-ins. My main music production tools would be the Roland Fantom G6 and Akai MPC 2500. For recording, I use an Avalon channel strip with high quality condenser microphones.

You make beats and samples. Tell me about this process.
I create my samples from old records, drum machines, synthesizers, and any sounds I can capture with my iPhone. That way when I have an idea, I'll have a collection of sounds to play with and mold them into a beat.

How about making beats and samples to order, for a client?

I'm constantly adding new material to my library but I can also create custom tracks for clients. Give me the idea and I'll paint the picture.

Did you attend school for recording?
Yes, I'm a Full Sail University graduate of 2003. I studied recording arts there.

What are some of your favorite projects that you've worked on?
Anything with Max-A-Million is a pleasure. He's my music mentor and we always have a great time in the studio. Recording the Legendary Drifters was also a wonderful project to be part of.

If someone comes to you and sort of vaguely wants to record some songs, but they are not sure what, can you help them out?
Most definitely. I believe I can take someone's ideas and help them create their masterpiece.

Can you create music?
Yes, I compose and produce all kinds of music.

Do you play any instruments?
Yes. I play guitar, bass, keyboard, and drums.

What led up to where you are today?
A love for music. Creating and helping others create.

Let's talk about that pancake song. It's clever. How did it come about?
Thanks. I like pancakes. One night it just came out lol.

Can you see making songs for commercial sponsors? Writing songs to order?
Totally. I would love to do that. Stuff like that just comes naturally to me.

Times are tough financially. Got any deals going?
$100 for 4 hours of recording/mixing time.

What are your life goals?
To create the best music I can.

What are your favorite mind-expanders?
I find inspiration in film, traveling, and art. That's when I get out of the studio of course.

Terry TradeMark Martin
40 Hz Productions
(708) 415-1119